Friday, November 25, 2011

To any girl who has ever felt un-beautiful :)

We as women and young ladies are constantly being bombarded by messages (sent from everywhere, it seems!) that we have to be beautiful. Beauty gains love. Beauty gains friendship. Beauty gains security. You can't turn on the t.v. or pull up the internet or even go outside of your house sometimes without getting some kind of signal that beauty is a necessary thing to possess. Consequently, many of us feel that we have to look a certain way to be beautiful. And this can be very frustrating!! After all, how many of us really look like that super-model, flawless image you see on the magazine covers? We buy make-up and we have all kinds of things done to our bodies in an effort to be more beautiful. But why? Is it really that important? Have we believed the lie that the enemy has sold to us through media that without certain features we are not good enough and can never be loved?

I find it very unsettling that so many women are trying to fit an image in which they were not created. Don't you see what the enemy is doing here? He wants to distract us from what we're really meant to be so that we never reach our true potential in Christ. God created us in HIS image. SO WHAT if the world's definition of beauty does not line up?! Wouldn't you rather be considered beautiful by your Maker? And He does think you are beautiful!! In fact, He has crowned you with beauty!! DO not measure your beauty by worldly standards because you were NEVER meant to fit the standard. But you are meant to fit God's standard, and.. God's standard is BEAUTIFUL!! Begin from now on to measure your beauty by heavenly standards. Begin to set your eyes on HIM and not what YOU see in the mirror. Seek Him and spend time in His presence and let the things of His heart become the things of yours. I've noticed that the more in love with Jesus a woman is, the more it shines through in her countenance. And that, in my opinion, is THE MOST beautiful image. True beauty, then, is an alignment with the heart of God!

My constant prayer now is that God will make me beautiful from the inside out. I won't always have this body. In fact, my life is a mere vapor of smoke compared to eternity. I want the "me" that is eternal to be beautiful, don't you?! Line your heart up with what the Word of God says about you. Find verses and write them down. Post them up on your bathroom mirror. Look in the mirror and boldly declare that you have been created beautifully in the eyes of Christ.

Now, I know that all of this may sound unrealistic to the one who is deeply hurting because of insecurity. I know because there was a time that I did not believe it either. Or, not so much that I didn't believe that God saw me as beautiful, but that I felt that wasn't enough. I wanted people to think I was beautiful too. I wanted to see myself as beautiful. But I have learned that God has such a full and abundant life planned for us, and if we can never get past the outer appearance we will never move forward in spiritual matters. And the spiritual is what really matters, because the spiritual is who we really are, the part of us that is eternal. Take your eyes off of the temporal, and look upon Him. I know this doesn't change the way other people may see you, or even the things they may say to you, and I know that it is so very difficult to see what God sees when you can't get past what you see in the mirror. But be encouraged, dear sister! First of all, you are not alone in your struggle with the mirror. Second, you are so very loved and treasured and highly esteemed by an Almighty, Perfect, Holy, Beautiful God Who has made you in His image and for His pleasure!

I pray that this has encouraged you! I don't know how many will read this, or if they do, who will read to the end. I know I got a little wordy! But know that I am praying for you, all of you beautiful ladies of the Lord! If you have questions or need specific prayer, please send me a message! I won't pretend as though I have this all figured out because, believe me, I don't. I still struggle with this sometimes. But God has shown me how beautiful a relationship is with Him, and how in His presence nothing else matters, and how faithful He is; and I know I have only scratched the surface! I pray that you will allow Him to do the same for you. :)

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